Donate Today!

The hard work and dedication of RVA MORE members is only one half of our success. The other half is our members and greater community who provide RVA MORE with donations. Donations have enabled us to achieve recognition and respect as trail stewards of the Richmond area.
Because RVA MORE is an all volunteer organization, 100% of your donations go to furthering the club’s mission of environmentally sound and socially responsible mountain biking, facilitating recreational trail cycling, educating about the sport of mountain biking, maintaining local trails, and advocating for increased multi-user trail access.
All RVA MORE donations are tax deductible.

How to Donate?


For individual donations using a credit card or PayPal, please click on the link below.

If you prefer to send a check please click on the link below to print a short donations form. Click here to print donations form

Matching Corporate Donations:

Does your company have a matching donation program? Many companies will match individual donations and all that is required is a little paper work. We will be glad to help you process your matching gift request. Mail your completed forms to:

Corporate Matching Program
PO Box 14535
Richmond VA  23221


Resource Donations:

Donate materials, resources, or services! Trail work requires many materials like lumber, hardware, concrete, tools and stone. If you are interested in donating materials or services to RVA MORE please click on the link below and then click on the link to email the Treasurer.

Click to donate materials, resources or services

General Donation Information

For all donations we will provide you with an Official Letter of Donation including Tax ID number as evidence of your donation.
RVA MORE is a 501-(c)(3) and our tax ID is 46-2969272 – Incorporated 1992.