October Club Social

The October Club Meeting and Member Social will take place on Tuesday, October 15th at 6pm at Hardywood Park Brewery.   Come on out, have...

IMBA Chapter

Richmond-MORE is now an IMBA chapter.    What does that mean to us? It means that Richmond-MORE get priority access to Trail Care Crew visits, grants and Trail Solutions. We’ll be...

New JRPS Trails Manager

Richmond-MORE would like to congratulate Michael Burton for becoming new James River Park System Trails Manager. Read a Q&A in the Times-Dispatch here: http://m.timesdispatch.com/sports/columnists-blogs/andy-thompson/outdoors-q-a-with-jrps-trails-manager-mike-burton/article_7ff49bb6-10f9-5ccf-a1ed-a61a467529ae.html?mode=jqm If...

A River City Rip

As seen at the “Where the Trail Ends” RVA Ride Center fundraiser and the front page of Pinkbike, a trail video from Tijo Media staring...