The snow has melted and it’s stopped raining long enough for things to dry up. So despite the threat of more rain tomorrow, we’re going...
Archive for category: Uncategorized
Trailicious! 3
Thank you! Nearly 200 people braved the cold wet weather Saturday night to show their love for the local trails. We raised close to $3500 that...
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone that helped out on the North Bank Trail armoring project during the last 7 weeks. All your hard work has paid...
Northbank Trail Work
The rain last weekend put a damper on trail work, but this weekend is calling for sunny weather. The rock work on North Bank is...
Pocahontas Trail Work
This Saturday, October, 25th, Friends of Pocahontas and RVA MORE are finishing the first of the new trails on the North side of the Park. Volunteer to Work...
October Club Social
Our October Club Meeting and Social will take place at 6pm on Tuesday, October 21st at Hardywood Park Craft Brewery. Come on out and learn...
Bon Secours St Mary – event to teach children to ride bikes
iCan Bike teaches children with mental and physical disabilities how to ride a 2 wheel bike after a 5 day program. It’s at UR, August...
Anthem Moonlight Ride
Saturday, August 16 at 8 pm at Sports Backers Stadium: With a Full Moon (17-mile) course and a Half Moon (8-mile) option, there’s something for...
Richmond Sportsbackers
The Richmond Sportsbackers showed their support for the RVA Trails on Friday night by presenting RVA MORE with a $2500 donation.
Armstrong High School Mountain Bike Team Fundraiser
As some of you know Craig Dodson, Richmond Cycling Corps, had a very successful first season working with the Armstrong High School Mountain bike team....