Belle Isle Skills Area – Location – Rules – Map – Construction – Photos – About

Construction is scheduled to start in March, 2012 and be complete by Memorial Day Weekend.

Please visit the Richmond MORE Website or Join the Richmond-MORE Email List to find out when and how you can help in the construction of the skills area.

We’re seeking financial donations to help cover the cost of materials and expert advice from IMBA’s Trail Solutions and Apline Trails.

Any questions? Email: for more information.

Construction Timeline 2012

While there are still some finishing touches left to complete, the Skills Area is OPEN and ready to ride!

March 31 – April 14 Site Prep – Brush Clearing, etc.
April 21 – April 28 Mechanized Work – Starting Hills Construction, etc. (no volunteers needed)
May 5 & 6 Skills Area Construction
May 12 & 13 Skills Area Construction
May 19 Finish Work
May 26 Opening
July 4 Ribbon Cutting

Construction Photos: